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If multiple words are entered, all have to match. So

starbucks merger
will return documents which contain both of these words, in any order.

To search for a phrase, use quotes. For example, the following will be much better at picking out items about Ford Motor Company than just the one word ford:

"ford motor"

AtomicIQ Basics

To use AtomicIQ, enter a list of search queries into the main box:

  • one query per line
  • use double-quotes for phrases, eg. "Ford Motor"

If each query in your list is a phrase, you can simply check this box:

 Each search query is a phrase.
This will automatically add surrounding quotes to every line, so that they are all treated as phrases.

Boolean Operators

Boolean operators allow terms to be combined through logic operators. We support AND, OR, NOT (or "-") as Boolean operators. Boolean operators must be ALL CAPS.


The AND operator is the default conjunction operator. This means that if there is no Boolean operator between two terms, the AND operator is used. To search for documents that contain "enterprise software" and "customer management" use the query:

"enterprise software" "customer management"

The AND operator matches documents where both terms exist anywhere in the text or metadata of a single document.


The OR operator links two terms and finds a matching document if either of the terms exist in a document. To search for documents that contain either "enterprise software" or "CRM" use the query:

"enterprise software" OR CRM


To search for documents that contain "enterprise software" but not "Microsoft" use the query:

"enterprise software" NOT Microsoft

The NOT operator excludes documents that contain the term after NOT.

Grouping terms using parentheses

Use parentheses to group clauses within a boolean query. To search for either "software" or "service" and "enterprise" use the query:

(software OR service) enterprise

Field Searches

You can fine-tune your search by restricting the matches to a certain field. For example:

title:(earnings OR profit)
Here's a partial list of fields available.

Available fields
Newscountrycountry:(united kingdom)
Newssourcesource:(cnn OR forbes OR bbc)

Proximity Searches

We support finding words are a within a specific distance away. To do a proximity search use the tilde, "~", symbol at the end of a phrase. For example to search for "enterprise" and "software" within 10 words of each other in a document use the search:

"enterprise software"~10

Limitations and Bugs

  • Any error in search syntax will cause the system to return zero results, rather than do something useful with the query.